PS22: 7
7 (seven) is the natural number following 6 and preceding 8. It is the only prime number preceding a cube, and is often considered lucky in Western culture, and is often seen as highly symbolic. It is the first number whose pronunciation contains more than one syllable, not counting 0.
Timo Rick
Oliver Jauslin
Oliver Lenzlinger
Lisa Strub
Jana Wüst
Praw Brander
Niklas Eggmann
Sarah Glauser
Timon Götschmann
Timon Götschmann
Jacqueline Schmid
Noah Hertzog
Anina Högger
Ilhan Zulji
Anahat Kaur
Max Keller
Max Keller
Thomas Lehner
Oliver Lenzlinger
Fabian Maloku
Simone Marie
Semaya Mehret
Aubrey Pohl
Salome Habersatter
Jacqueline Schmid
Selina Baud
Selina Baud
Robin Steiner
Andri Stoisser
Jael Sulger
Tanja Häfelfinger
Rahel Tonini
Sophie Wachsmuth
Céline Wassmer
Céline Wassmer
Céline Wassmer
Marco Weber